Ugur Inal

Born in Turkey, 1990

Ugur Inal
01001100 01001001 01000110 01000101

About Me

I have narrow interests but with the ability to delve deeply into them. I like structured work and strive to derive meaningful outputs. I realized that life begins when you combine analytical actions with emotional mindfulness.

Interested Domains


I have a large, multicultural family consisting of humans and animals. We have found a balance in navigating life together.


I believe in technological solutions driven by successful scientific research and innovation.


I have been in the business for nearly two decades, working in various avenues.


I love models and methodologies.


Are you asking a question? Now we are talking.


At the peak point where the finish line seems unreachable, science is there for me.


Learning from history and integrating cumulative knowledge into daily life paves the way to wisdom.


I'm interested in economics because I have noticed patterns that could affect our way of life. This interest allows me to approach economics from both scientific and philosophical perspectives.

Portrait of Thomas Edison
"The value of an idea lies in the using of it." - Thomas Edison